In 1990, Sugi Hendric, now our senior Pastor, started a home fellowship at his home in Pinole. The spirit of fellowship was strong as he began inviting Indonesian in the East Bay area to join. By 1993, the fellowship had grown so much in quantity that the IFGF denomination recognized it as a satellite church of IFGF Bay area. IFGF Pinole started its first service in April 1993 in a rented hall at the El Portal shopping mall in the city of San Pablo.

In June 1996, brother Tony, an IFGF Pinole leader then (now the pastor of IFGF New York), came across a building in the Pinole Valley area. It is close to freeway, well maintained, has a lot of sunlight and a large parking lot, and most of all, belongs to a congregation that are kind enough to receive us wholeheartedly. It was a miracle for the new church, with minimal resources, to be able to use this kind of building. God truly had His eyes on us! IFGF Pinole finally found its home in the city of Pinole.

In 2006, IFGF Pinole was promoted to the status of a local church. It is a new phase of God’s mighty purpose for the church. God has called us to do greater things that impact the world. We believe better and greater things have yet to come.

HISTORY (in Bahasa Indonesia)

Pada tahun 1990, Sugi Hendric, sekarang Pendeta senior kami, memulai persekutuan rumah di rumahnya di Pinole. Semangat persekutuan semakin kuat saat ia mulai mengajak masyarakat Indonesia di kawasan East Bay untuk bergabung. Pada tahun 1993, jumlah persekutuan telah berkembang pesat sehingga denominasi IFGF mengakuinya sebagai gereja satelit di wilayah IFGF Bay Area. IFGF Pinole memulai kebaktian minggu pertama pada bulan April 1993 di sebuah aula sewaan di pusat perbelanjaan El Portal di kota San Pablo.

Pada bulan Juni 1996, bapak Tony, yang saat itu menjadi pemimpin IFGF Pinole (sekarang menjadi pendeta senior di IFGF New York), menemukan sebuah bangunan di kawasan Pinole Valley area. Dekat dengan freeway, terawat, banyak sinar matahari, tempat parkir yang luas, dan yang terpenting, jemaatnya berbaik hati menerima kami dengan sepenuh hati. Merupakan keajaiban bagi gereja baru, dengan sumber daya yang minim, dapat menggunakan bangunan semacam ini. Tuhan benar-benar memperhatikan kita! IFGF Pinole akhirnya menemukan rumahnya di kota Pinole.

Pada tahun 2006, IFGF Pinole dipromosikan menjadi gereja lokal. Ini merupakan fase baru dari tujuan besar Allah bagi gereja. Tuhan telah memanggil kita untuk melakukan hal-hal yang lebih besar yang berdampak pada dunia. Kami percaya hal-hal yang lebih baik dan lebih besar masih akan terjadi.


Senior Pastor

Pastor Sugi founded IFGF Pinole in 1993 and has been serving as the church’s Lead Pastor. That was the same year he married his wife, Jen. Together, they are blessed with three children: Tiffany, Christian and Samuel. Ps. Sugi’s passion is to raise up next-generation leaders locally in the Bay Area and to share the good news with people in many nations, including Nepal, India and Bangladesh.

South Bay Campus Pastor

Pastor David has been coaching the family and young professional caregroups, and has recently answered God’s calling to become a pastor. He has a gift of rallying and empowering others to pursue Christ. He and his wife, Yuly, have been a part of IFGF Pinole since they were college students and their passion for expanding God’s kingdom has only grown stronger. They are blessed with two daughters, Aimee and Aylanee.

Pinole Campus Pastor

Pastor Josh is passionate about guiding people to know the love of God. With the support of his wife, Dorothy, he coaches the Berkeley and DVC student caregroups. He loves meeting new people, and you can usually find him chatting with different people while caring for one of his two adorable sons, Zaxton and Shiloh.


Elder Jeffri is passionate for the word of God. If you have any questions about the Bible, he is the person to go to. When not preaching, you will find him leading the sound and video crew, organizing cables and faithfully serving backstage. He and his wife, Olivia, are blessed with two beautiful daughters, Kylie and Ella.